Before uploading product images, please take note of the following:


Normally, we will use square / 1:1 ratio image dimension for the images. Thus, you may resize / crop your product images to size of 1080px x 1080px (width x height) for best view.

If there is any exceptional case, please reach out to our support team via to check your product image size before uploading.


After resizing / cropping the product images to the recommended size, you pay proceed in optimizing your product images for better performance / loading speed of your website.

You may use TinyPNG for this. Upload your image and download them again after it's is done.

File Naming

Follow file naming best practice to avoid error or fail in uploading and displaying images.

- Avoid using special characters or letters such as Chinese
- Avoid using symbols other than dash - or underscore _
- Avoid spaces, instead use dash - or underscore _ to sperate them

1. When creating a product, navigate to Image tab.

2. Click on the Image and click the Edit button.

3. The Image Manager will popup. To have better file management, you can create a New Folder to upload your products if required. 

4. Name your New Folder and click on the Plus sign icon

5. Click on OK upon success folder creation.

6. The new folder will be shown, select the folder where you want to upload the images.

7. Click the Upload button, and now you can select your image / images to upload. 

You can upload the images required at once so you will just need to select them later.

8. Click OK upon success image upload.

9. Click on the image you want to use as main picture, which will be the one display at product listing view. 

10. To add Additional Images, click on the Plus sign icon to Add Image (repeat this step if there are more than one image).

11. Click on the Image and click the Edit button, then repeat the Step 7 to upload and select the image.

12. You may Sort Order if you want to rearrange the sequence of the images if there are more than one Additional Images.

**The first order in the Additional Image will be the swap image when customer hover over the product in the category page / product list.

13. After done editing, click Save / Quick Save button at the top right hand corner once you are done editing.

Save button will redirect back to the category list page, while Quick Save button allows you to remain at the same page after saving.