If you ever go into your Orders page and filter Order Status by Missing Orders, you might actually see some orders fall under this status.

What are Missing Orders?

Missing Orders are actually orders that failed, cancel, or were abandoned at the payment page.

They are not legitimate orders nor an order that requires your fulfillment.

Why there are Missing Orders?

Missing Orders can be happened in a few situations, such as:

1. Customers click on checkout, go to the payment page but change his/her mind, and then cancel at the payment page.

2. Customers click on checkout, go to the payment page but timeout at the payment page (idle at payment page for too long and the connection drops off).

3. Customers click on checkout, go to the payment page but they key in the wrong credit card number, or fail to log in at their bank account and the payment gateway page redirects them back to your store.

4. Payment gateway has some issue and is not able to properly redirect your customers back to your store. This is actually a technical issue with the payment gateway, if you received a message from your customers proving that they have made a payment and you find their orders in Missing Orders, kindly contact our support team at support@jumixdesign.com

Are Missing Orders = Abandoned Cart?

Yes and No.

Yes = Missing Orders will only be captured WHEN the customers went until the payment page and did not make the payment. 

No = If you compare the feature of 'Abandoned Cart Recovery' that is available in our Ultimate Package, it is not the same.

This is because Abandoned Cart Recovery will even capture people who did not complete the Checkout process and are not just limited to payment page drop-off.

Also, Abandoned Cart Recovery is much more powerful in the sense that the system can automatically send follow-up emails to these customers.

Should you be worried about Missing Orders?

Abandoned Carts and payment page drops off are pretty common scenarios in the eCommerce world.

You shouldn't worry about missing orders.

But if you have customers who have made payment to their orders (double confirmed in Payment Gateway) but their orders went into Missing Orders, please contact our support team for investigation. If your payment gateway was signed up with us, we can provide technical support to solve this issue.

If your payment gateway is with a third party, the investigation might take a longer time as we'll have to liaise with the third party's technical team.

If you have a lot of Missing Orders, you might also consider upgrading your plan to Ultimate Plan so you'll recover some of these Abandoned Carts, or conduct a survey to your customers and see what's their reason of abandoning the order.