Blog Post Dashboard
1. At the sidebar, click on “Extensions” > “Extensions”.
2. At the Extensions List, choose “Apps” via the dropdown.
3. Select “Edit” button for “Blog Management”.
(A) Add New Article
1. At the ‘Blog Management’ page, click ‘Add / Edit Articles’.
2. Click the ‘Add’ button.
3. In the General Tab, Fill in the Article Title
4. Fill in the Content and Meta Tag Title
(B) Edit Blog Post Content
1. To have full view of the content for better editing purpose, you can click on this icon. Click on the same icon again after the editing is done. (This does not save the whole blog post).
(C) Insert Link / URL
1. To insert link, click on this icon.
(D) Insert Image
1. To insert image, click on this icon. Upload and select the image to insert.
(a) If your article text is align center, you may select the image and 'Align center' so that it looks nicer in the frontend.
(b) If your article text is align left, you may select the image and 'Resize Full' so that it looks nicer in the frontend.
(E) Article Category
1. In the Settings Tab, add the Category by typing in the field and select the category.
(F) Article Cover Photo
1. In the Gallery Tab, add the thumbnail of the blog post by “Add” button.
2. Select ‘Classic’ from the dropdown as the cover photo of the blog post.
3. After everything is done, you can click “Save” button.