This tutorial will guide you on how to add the product options to the master list before we add it to the product.
Manage Options
Firstly, navigate to Catalog > Options via the sidebar menu.
Add New Option
Click on the Add New button at the top right hand corner
Edit Existing Option
Click the Edit button for the option you want to edit
Fill / Edit Option
Fill in the Option Name and select the Type of the option
* Option Name: The option group name
Type: By default you will see several different types of options available, with different nature. You can select based on the criteria you want to use it for. Read more on the types of product options available here.
Sort Order: If you want to rearrange the sequence of the options while in the existence of other options available.
Manage Option Values
1. Click on the Add Option Value button
2. Fill in the values required
* Option Value Name: the value of the option
Image: Upload image for the option value (available for Radio and Checkbox only) to be display in frontend or leave it to display it as text only (optional, refer here if you need guidance to upload image)
Sort Order: If you want to sort the ordering of the option values shown in frontend or leave it blank for it to be in random sequence (optional)
3. Click Save button after done editing, you may now continue to add the product options in the product side.