Firstly, navigate to Catalog > Products via the sidebar menu.
Add New Product
Click the Add New button at the top right hand corner.
Edit Product
Click on the Edit button to edit specific product.
Filling in the Fields
Fields that are without * (asterisk symbol) may be leave blank, as they are not required fields
General Tab
*Product Name: The product name that will be visible in the frontend for customers to see.
Meta Tag Description: Your Meta tag description for this product (SEO purpose)
Meta Tag Keywords: Your Meta tag keywords for this product (SEO purpose)
Description: The product description that will be visible in the frontend. You can put additional images / list here.
Product Tags: You can insert product tags for search purpose, like "berry", "fruits".
Data Tab
*Model: A unique code that identifies the product. For effective tracking and sales reporting, each Model needs to be unique.
SKU: Your Stock Keeping Unit (optional)
UPC: Your Universal Product Code, this can be Barcode number of your product for your own reference if you are using barcode system (optional)
EAN: European Article Number (optional)
JAN: Japanese Article Number (optional)
ISBN: International Standard Book Number (optional)
MPN: Manufacture Part Number (optional)
Location: You can let your customer the location of the item availability (optional)
Price: Product selling price, in number only without currency sign.
Tax Class: Link to one of your Tax Rate if you have set it in your Tax Settings.
Quantity: The amount or quantity of products you have in stock.
Minimum Quantity: The minimum quantity for each order. For example, if put 3 means customer will have add 3 quantity of these products to place order.
Subtract Stock: If you are doing manual stock keeping, select Yes so when people purchase 1 of this product, the quantity will reduce by 1, select No for unlimited purchase.
Out of Stock Status: Select the status you want to show when the product is out of stock. You can put "Out of Stock" if you are doing manual stock keeping, put "Pre-Order" if you are doing pre-order type of business.
Require Shipping: If set to No, customers who bought this product will not need to go through shipping method during checkout, which means they won't be required to pay for shipping fee. Suitable for "membership" or "downloadable" product. For physical products which require shipping, we will default set it to Yes
Date Available: If you are uploading this product in advance, you can set a future date of availability so it will be auto enabled on the date.
Dimensions: Specify the product volume or dimensions here (optional), or you can put it in Description under General tab.
Length Class: Set the length in cm, mm or inch.
Weight: The weight of the product, this is required when you are using weight to calculate your shipping. If you're using Flat Rate or Free Shipping, this will be an optional field.
Weight Class: Set the weight to be in Kilogram, Gram, Pound or Ounce.
Status: Set it to Disabled it in the frontend so that your customers are not able to view it. Normally disabled if you are no longer selling it or promotional products that are seasonal, it will not be display in your store front when disabled.
Sort Order: (optional)
Links Tab
Manufacturer: If you are using Manufacturer or Brand type of filtering or categorization, link the product to any manufacturer here. (Optional, refer to this tutorial if required)
Categories: Specify the product to be in which categories, can be one or multiple (refer to this tutorial for creating categories).
Filters: (optional)
Stores: can be ignore, unless you sign-up for multi-store.
Downloads: Link to your downloadable products if you have one (optional)
Related Products: Set the related products to be display for this product (optional)
Attribute Tab
If you are using Attributes for your product, such as Spec, Color, Type etc. which your customers won't get to select, you can link the attributes here.
Click Add Attirbute, on the left, search for the Attribute that you have created.
On the right, input the text.
If you are using Color as an Attribute:
Go to Catalog > Attributes > Attributes Group, create a new group and name it "Color Group". Go to Catalog > Attributes and create new Attribute name "Color" and link it to "Color Group".
Now in your Product Attributes Tab, on the left you have to search for "Color", in the Text field, you have to manually type the colors available, such as "Green,Blue,White" without the quotes.
Attribute is only useful when you are using "Product Filters and Refine Search" feature.
Option Tab
Options is useful when you want to add different product choices to a product, such as Color, Size, Custom Made Option, File Upload, Delivery Date, Multiple Add-ons and so on (refer here for a more detailed description on types of product options)
Before you can add any option, you must first add them to your Product Options Master List (refer to the guide here)
Once you have created your options in the master list, you can then add and link them here.
Once you add the options you also have the choice of specify a different quantity to each option, or different price, reward point and weight. (refer to the guide here)
* Kindly take note that each option is an independent value and does not have relevancy over each other.
For example if you want to do manual stock keeping for Color and Size, you will have to create options that merge them together and not separately.
Use only 1 Option in this instance, "Color & Size" and your value should be "Red M, Red L, Red XL" and so on.
Recurring Tab
Can ignore
Discount Tab
You can set bulk purchase discount here and specify it to specific customer group.
Refer to here for a more detailed guidance.
Special Tab
Special is more widely used as a one off and easier management discount type.
The difference between Special and Discount is that Special will apply to even 1 quantity.
Refer to here for a more detailed guidance.
Image Tab
If you have more than 1 image for this product, you can add them here.
Refer to here for a more detailed guidance.
Reward Points Tab
If you want to use Reward Points and want to give reward points for this product purchase, set the amount of points here.
Refer to here for a more detailed guidance.
This will become the URL of this product page.
Edit the url of the product if you're particular on this, else it is auto generated when you filled in the Product Name in General tab. (**The url must be unique, avoid using spaces, instead use '-')
Design Tab
Can ignore
Save Product
After done editing, click Save / Quick Save button at the top right hand corner once you are done editing.
Save button will redirect back to the category list page, while Quick Save button allows you to remain at the same page after saving.